Ta-daaa Taga!
Orice proaspata mamica are dilema asta: cu ce imi car peste tot noul membru al familiei? Si pentru ca noi femeile am inventat confortul si moda si accesoriile si toate amanuntele posibile ,cautam produsul ideal,care trebuie sa indeplineasca multe,sa fie si placut ochiului,sa rezoneze perfect cu mamica si cu familia. De aici si diversitatea crasa de produse in materie de purtat,carat,plimbat pruncii. Cine nu ma stie ,afla acum ca sunt o impatimita a babywearingului,adica's una dintre "neociudatele" alea care isi poarta plodul intr-o ...esarfa,o carpa,o ceva ce nu arata prea safe dar bine ca e colorat.. Evident,si la capitolul asta suntem praf ca natie si specie,de zici ca suntem toti nascuti din si prin tehnologie avansata si vai ce ridiculozitate crasa si periculoasa inca,sa iti mai duci copilul intr-un sistem de genul asta...
Nu vreau sa bat campii, nu ca nu imi place pe campii mai verzi si nici nu as avea de ce sa aberez aiurea pe subiectul asta,insa alta e ideea acestui articol:)) .. una chiar destul de diferita.
Hoinarind pe internet am descoperit ceva ce cu singuranta o sa va atraga atentia. Este vorba de un concept nou de carat copii,dar si parinti in acelasi timp, nu are legatura cu babywearingul dar are legatura cu ceea ce ar putea cauta un parinte urban dar energic si este o alternativa buna la esarfe si ssc-uri zic eu,pentru cei ca mine de exemplu,care din cauza constitutiei de sirena nemancata,nu isi mai pot purta copii mancaciosi de orice ,inclusiv de nervi si ficati:)). Nu vreau sa va tin mult in suspans dar recunosc ca imi place ideea ca produsul asta te face sa te gandesti la " nici calare, nici pe jos" .
Ei bine ...ta -daaa va prezint Taga Bike, hibridul luxos care a innebunit occidentul. Este o combinatie extrem de reusita si eleganta intre banalul carucior si ravnita bicicleta facatoare de fesieri apetisanti.
Ei,nu au inventat astia acum nici roata si nici plimbarea copiilor cu bicicleta,insa ceea ce inseamna Taga Bike ,e chiar spectaculos zic eu. Nu e doar biţa ta de adult la care agati ceva,e cu muuult mai fun si mai convenabil. De ce?
Pai hai sa vedem cum o lauda producatorii si am sa ii las pe ei sa o spuna asa cum stiu mai bine citand din site-ul lor de prezentare iar pe voi va invit la exersat de limba engleza:
*transforms any trip into an adventure with your child. Just imagine all that in-between time you spend getting from here to there becoming fun time.
* Kids love Taga (and parents do, too.) The sights you'll share make it the ideal activity for parents and children. Kids are naturally excited by the images whizzing by and have too much fun to even think about crying.
*Feel close to your child. Unlike a bike trailer or ordinary child bike seat, Taga places your little one right between your arms. Your child faces forward so you can share the same scenery while you trade smiles. ( un mare plus fata de uzualele scaunele pentru bicicleta sau "trasuricile" ce se prind in spate,zic eu)
*It's amazingly stable. Taga's three wheels make it more stable than ordinary bicycles. You can turn on a dime even when you're hardly moving, and mounting and dismounting with a child is a breeze. That makes it safer to ride with kids.
*You don't have to know how to ride a bike to enjoy Taga. That's right, you don't have to have great balance or any experience on two wheels. The 3-wheel design balances for you and lets you keep both feet on the pedals when you're stopped. ( tare..parca as lasa-o si pe soacra sa imi plimbe pustoaica cu asa ceva...:)) )
* Safety First. We designed Taga to be safer than standard bicycles. It meets or exceeds the strictest bicycle and stroller safety standards for the US, Europe and Australia.
* Be free of maintenance worries. Features like the internal gear hub and the fully enclosed chain guard let you focus your attention on your child, not taking care of Taga. ( buun,mai bine ca la masina)
*Go from street to boutique with ease. Toggle between bike mode and stroller mode as the spirit moves you. Maneuver effortlessly inside the mall, restaurants, indoor playgrounds or even your own house. Taga fits your free and easy lifestyle to a T.
* Take your Taga with you when you go inside. No worries, because no parts are left behind that might get stolen or be exposed to rain. It only takes 20 seconds to toggle between modes. The world record stands at 11.3 seconds.
*You'll never have to choose between a bike and a stroller. It's the one vehicle that goes with you anywhere you go. Great for public transportation. Jump on a train or a bus as a stroller and then ride from the station to your desired destination. ( asta mi se pare foarte misto- ideal pentru cei care vor mici calatorii fara masina)
*Easy to store and fits in your car. Taga folds up to fit into almost any car trunk and gives you lots of options for storing at home.
*Work out while you spend time together. Riding Taga provides you with the perfect combination of “together time” with your child and exercise time. It's a fun way to get in shape. Riding Taga provides light to moderate exercise—a key component of fitness and weight loss programs. Riding a bicycle is just plain healthy. It improves cardio-vascular fitness, burns calories, and can reduce the stress of parenthood. ( aici nici nu cred ca e nevoie sa adaug ca nu se compara cu simplul impins de carucior,cu purtatul indiferent cum ... Iar ce mamic nu isi doreste one fine sexy ass?!)
*Taga is adaptable to your changing family needs. The modular design and accessories let you use it with newborns, 6 year-olds, 2 children at once, groceries, and more. Taga will serve you for years. Unlike a standard stroller, you can use your Taga for at least 10 years—even after the kids are grown up.( bun pentru buzunare,ca si cu scutecele refolosibile as zice,investesi dar merita garantat...)
*That's not just a colorful claim. The fact that you can stroll with it, ride on it, and take it on public transportation makes Taga one of the greenest vehicles around. Feel good about leaving your car behind. Every trek you take on Taga is one you don't take in the car. Taga's a happy time with your child that also happens to help fighting global warming. ( recunosc ca asta ma determinat sa va prezint Taga. Eu is foarte pro mobilitate cat mai eco si mi-as dori cat mai multi ca mine,sa ma salvam putin planeta asta frumoasa)
Asadar,pentru cei care sufera in tacere asemenea mie ca nu isi mai pot purta copii ( promit sa ma revansez fata de cele 18 luni de purtat copila si sa va povestesc curand despre esarfe si minuni de genul asta) ,sau pentru cei activi care nu au gasit produsul ideal sau pur si simplu pentru oricine ar achizitiona o asemenea treaba smechera ,iata ca tehnologia si inovatia ne surpind ,placut as zice si ne invita sa iesim din tipare cu asa vehicul green ,fancy si multifunctional. Eu personal i-as face un test,doar pentru ca sunt innebunita sa merg pe biţa si sa imi plimb copila si inca nu am ajuns sa o fac.
Si bine bine,dar cat costa minunatia asta atat de multifunctionala,safe,fun si designer made?! Ei bine pretul il gasiti aici si descoperiti ca nu e cat o biţa buna dar mai ieftin decat o masina ok este clar.
Ce parere aveti? :) voi cu ce va plimbati copii? Ati lua un Taga Bike?
Nu vreau sa bat campii, nu ca nu imi place pe campii mai verzi si nici nu as avea de ce sa aberez aiurea pe subiectul asta,insa alta e ideea acestui articol:)) .. una chiar destul de diferita.
Hoinarind pe internet am descoperit ceva ce cu singuranta o sa va atraga atentia. Este vorba de un concept nou de carat copii,dar si parinti in acelasi timp, nu are legatura cu babywearingul dar are legatura cu ceea ce ar putea cauta un parinte urban dar energic si este o alternativa buna la esarfe si ssc-uri zic eu,pentru cei ca mine de exemplu,care din cauza constitutiei de sirena nemancata,nu isi mai pot purta copii mancaciosi de orice ,inclusiv de nervi si ficati:)). Nu vreau sa va tin mult in suspans dar recunosc ca imi place ideea ca produsul asta te face sa te gandesti la " nici calare, nici pe jos" .
Ei bine ...ta -daaa va prezint Taga Bike, hibridul luxos care a innebunit occidentul. Este o combinatie extrem de reusita si eleganta intre banalul carucior si ravnita bicicleta facatoare de fesieri apetisanti.
Ei,nu au inventat astia acum nici roata si nici plimbarea copiilor cu bicicleta,insa ceea ce inseamna Taga Bike ,e chiar spectaculos zic eu. Nu e doar biţa ta de adult la care agati ceva,e cu muuult mai fun si mai convenabil. De ce?
Pai hai sa vedem cum o lauda producatorii si am sa ii las pe ei sa o spuna asa cum stiu mai bine citand din site-ul lor de prezentare iar pe voi va invit la exersat de limba engleza:
1. It's pure quality time with your child
*transforms any trip into an adventure with your child. Just imagine all that in-between time you spend getting from here to there becoming fun time.
* Kids love Taga (and parents do, too.) The sights you'll share make it the ideal activity for parents and children. Kids are naturally excited by the images whizzing by and have too much fun to even think about crying.
*Feel close to your child. Unlike a bike trailer or ordinary child bike seat, Taga places your little one right between your arms. Your child faces forward so you can share the same scenery while you trade smiles. ( un mare plus fata de uzualele scaunele pentru bicicleta sau "trasuricile" ce se prind in spate,zic eu)
2. Ride with confidence and control.
*It's amazingly stable. Taga's three wheels make it more stable than ordinary bicycles. You can turn on a dime even when you're hardly moving, and mounting and dismounting with a child is a breeze. That makes it safer to ride with kids.
*You don't have to know how to ride a bike to enjoy Taga. That's right, you don't have to have great balance or any experience on two wheels. The 3-wheel design balances for you and lets you keep both feet on the pedals when you're stopped. ( tare..parca as lasa-o si pe soacra sa imi plimbe pustoaica cu asa ceva...:)) )
* Safety First. We designed Taga to be safer than standard bicycles. It meets or exceeds the strictest bicycle and stroller safety standards for the US, Europe and Australia.
* Be free of maintenance worries. Features like the internal gear hub and the fully enclosed chain guard let you focus your attention on your child, not taking care of Taga. ( buun,mai bine ca la masina)
3. It's the only bike that transforms into a stroller
*Go from street to boutique with ease. Toggle between bike mode and stroller mode as the spirit moves you. Maneuver effortlessly inside the mall, restaurants, indoor playgrounds or even your own house. Taga fits your free and easy lifestyle to a T.
* Take your Taga with you when you go inside. No worries, because no parts are left behind that might get stolen or be exposed to rain. It only takes 20 seconds to toggle between modes. The world record stands at 11.3 seconds.
*You'll never have to choose between a bike and a stroller. It's the one vehicle that goes with you anywhere you go. Great for public transportation. Jump on a train or a bus as a stroller and then ride from the station to your desired destination. ( asta mi se pare foarte misto- ideal pentru cei care vor mici calatorii fara masina)
*Easy to store and fits in your car. Taga folds up to fit into almost any car trunk and gives you lots of options for storing at home.
4. No parent workout can compare.
*Work out while you spend time together. Riding Taga provides you with the perfect combination of “together time” with your child and exercise time. It's a fun way to get in shape. Riding Taga provides light to moderate exercise—a key component of fitness and weight loss programs. Riding a bicycle is just plain healthy. It improves cardio-vascular fitness, burns calories, and can reduce the stress of parenthood. ( aici nici nu cred ca e nevoie sa adaug ca nu se compara cu simplul impins de carucior,cu purtatul indiferent cum ... Iar ce mamic nu isi doreste one fine sexy ass?!)
5. Taga grows with your family.
*Taga is adaptable to your changing family needs. The modular design and accessories let you use it with newborns, 6 year-olds, 2 children at once, groceries, and more. Taga will serve you for years. Unlike a standard stroller, you can use your Taga for at least 10 years—even after the kids are grown up.( bun pentru buzunare,ca si cu scutecele refolosibile as zice,investesi dar merita garantat...)
6. Invest in a truly green vehicle.
*That's not just a colorful claim. The fact that you can stroll with it, ride on it, and take it on public transportation makes Taga one of the greenest vehicles around. Feel good about leaving your car behind. Every trek you take on Taga is one you don't take in the car. Taga's a happy time with your child that also happens to help fighting global warming. ( recunosc ca asta ma determinat sa va prezint Taga. Eu is foarte pro mobilitate cat mai eco si mi-as dori cat mai multi ca mine,sa ma salvam putin planeta asta frumoasa)
Asadar,pentru cei care sufera in tacere asemenea mie ca nu isi mai pot purta copii ( promit sa ma revansez fata de cele 18 luni de purtat copila si sa va povestesc curand despre esarfe si minuni de genul asta) ,sau pentru cei activi care nu au gasit produsul ideal sau pur si simplu pentru oricine ar achizitiona o asemenea treaba smechera ,iata ca tehnologia si inovatia ne surpind ,placut as zice si ne invita sa iesim din tipare cu asa vehicul green ,fancy si multifunctional. Eu personal i-as face un test,doar pentru ca sunt innebunita sa merg pe biţa si sa imi plimb copila si inca nu am ajuns sa o fac.
Si bine bine,dar cat costa minunatia asta atat de multifunctionala,safe,fun si designer made?! Ei bine pretul il gasiti aici si descoperiti ca nu e cat o biţa buna dar mai ieftin decat o masina ok este clar.
Ce parere aveti? :) voi cu ce va plimbati copii? Ati lua un Taga Bike?
Lumy,ai sa te miri,copilul nu e scump,doar ca asteptarile noastre sunt peste. Foarte multi parinti achizitioneaza chestii inutile sau aiurea pt copiii:) din cauza marketingului din ziua de azi. Un copil se creste in primul rand cu multa daruire si prezenta autentica. Cat despre pretul Taga,din experienta o spun,merita investitia doar daca ai un anume stil de viata. Insa la cat e de complexa si la cum sunt scorurile la chestii separate,merita clar:).
ReplyDeletesuper tare asta...imi place mult mult! iar daca as avea banii asa la-ndemana n-as ezita. :) btw si eu sunt la fel adepta carpelor si esarfelor...:) multumesc pt informtia asta.