My Autumn Rules
#Everything a p p l e: tarta cu mere coapte, placinta americana cu mere, alta tarta cu mere dar mai ales proaspete sau macar juice cu o piscatura de scortisoara
#Hot cinnamon coffee ( warning! creeaza dependenta :D )
#Plimbarele lungi
#Roll in the leaves -->> am facut-o si anul trecut, si acum doi ani and ZuZi loves it
#'As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen' -->> Make new friends
#Soare auriu
#Chill winds
#Picnic la asfintit
#Movie nights
#Lumanari parfumate
#Seri racoroase cu paturi calduroase, hot chocolate & good friends
#Seri lungi cu povesti cu zane si Peter Pan (our hero)
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